There are a number of day-to-day running costs associated with owning a business, but did you know if you’re self-employed you can deduct some of these costs if they are considered allowable expenses? Once these costs have been deducted, you can work out your taxable profit. For example, if you turn over £50,000 each year and you claim £15,000 in allowable expenses you will only pay tax on the £35,000 that remains. This is what people […]
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Contractors & Sub Contractors
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What we help with
Tax Planning
Tax Compliance
Annual Accounts
Business Systems
Retirement Planning
Business Financing
Cashflow Forecasts
Business Planning
Bookkeeping Advice
Buying and Selling Businesses
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KEW Accountants and Tax Specialists Ltd
Granville Suite
Business Development Centre
Stafford Park 4
t: 01952 216872
Co Reg: 08882654
VAT No: 180 5947 85