Are you ready for an enquiry?

By KEW Team / December 13, 2022 / 0 Comments

HMRC launches enquiries on businesses of all sizes every day, but are you ready if you’re next on the list? Every day we hear businesses say, “they won’t investigate me”, but they could, and they will. After all, small businesses can be easy wins for them… Keeping all this in mind, it’s up to you to ensure everything is in order and you are being compliant – whether that be working with an accountant or keeping […]

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What should you do if things don’t feel quite right with your accountant?

By KEW Team / November 10, 2022 / 0 Comments

We’ve all been there… Receiving accountancy advice where things don’t feel quite right can negatively affect both your finances and your overall confidence in accountants. Trusted advice is invaluable when it comes to most areas of your business, but when it comes to talking about your accounts, it’s vital! So, what should you do if things don’t quite feel right?   Choosing the right accountant for you When it comes to choosing an accountant, we urge […]

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Should I be a sole trader or a limited company?

By KEW Team / July 8, 2022 / 0 Comments

Making the decision between becoming a limited company or a sole trader is one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. If you are in this situation, you should seek expert advice and think carefully. All too often, people are faced with a VAT threshold of £85k turnover and automatically assume they ought to become a limited company. This is not always the case! So, before you jump to a conclusion you may regret, let us share some […]

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Has your tax code changed?

By KEW Team / June 28, 2022 / 0 Comments

We all have a number of responsibilities in life. If you’re a parent, raising your child to be a good human being is one of them. If you’re a business owner, ensuring your staff have access to the tools they need to do a good job is another one. But did you know whoever you are, and whatever role you’re in, you are the one that needs to stay up to date with your tax code. […]

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Small & Medium Sized Businesses
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Start-up Businesses
Buy to Let Landlords
Contractors & Sub Contractors
Actors & Entertainers
What we help with
Tax Planning
Tax Compliance
Annual Accounts
Business Systems
Retirement Planning
Business Financing
Cashflow Forecasts
Business Planning
Bookkeeping Advice
Buying and Selling Businesses
Get in Touch

KEW Accountants and Tax Specialists Ltd
Granville Suite
Business Development Centre
Stafford Park 4

t: 01952 216872

Co Reg: 08882654
VAT No: 180 5947 85

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